
The Storehouse exists to assist families enrolled in our programs with basic needs like food and clothing, as well as victims of fires and emergency situations. The Storehouse is supported by local businesses and community members who generously donate their goods and services in order to help others.

What’s happening right now

We were recently donated a trailer that allows us to give out goods to those in need all over our city. We are in the process of storing goods and scheduling locations for the Mobile Storehouse to be available. Sign up for our email newsletter to receive updates about the Mobile Storehouse.


We are actively searching for a location in Walla Walla, WA for the Storehouse to call home. You can help accelerate this process by supporting the Storehouse financially.

Searching for a facility

There are many practical ways that you can share your time and abilities to serve our community. We have a wide range of opportunities with varying time commitments.

Accepting Goods & Services

Ways you can help

You can partner with us by donating financially to support the purchase of a property and the hiring of staff. If you have questions or would like to donate a service or non-perishable food item, click the Contact button below.